CONFERENCE “50 years of Ecomuseology: the Lombard Ecomusei in comparison with national and international experiences”
On December 1st, during the closing event of the celebrations for 50 years of ecomuseology in Italy organized by Rete Ecomusei Italiani, our Italian partner from Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago, Raul dal Santo, presented the EcoHeritage Project during his speech “The local, national and international commitment of the Lombard ecomuseums”. For our happiness, one […]
I EcoHeritage National Meeting – Portugal
This November 23, the Portuguese team of the EcoHeritage Project, through the Department of Museology ULHT and MINOM Portugal, has organized the I EcoHeritage National Meeting. The Meeting invited researchers, people interested in the topic and especially the 18 ecomuseums and community museums engaged in the Project to share with them the results and reports […]
EcoHeritage in ICOM Europe Conference 2021
ICOM Europe Conference 2021MUSEOEUROPE 2021 “Living in Europe”14-15 October 2O21 In 2021, MUSEOEUROPE project will be link up with ICOM Europe, hosting an annual conference, under the theme LIVING IN EUROPE. The focus will be on the living environment of both individuals and communities as expressed in cultural heritage. EcoHeritage’s Portuguese team (Department of Museology […]
International conference – ECOMUSEUMS AND CLIMATE ACTION
“2030 UN Sustainable Development goals and the climate action: the role of Ecomuseums and community museums” This: 30.September.2021, 15:00 (CET) The webinar is scheduled inside the Programme All4Climate-Italy2021, the satellite events of the Pre-COP 26. This is the pre conference of the parties on climate change that will be held in Milan, before the COP […]
Babel Tower: Museum people in dialogue
From February to April 2021 the Université de Liège UR Interfacultaire AAP (Art, Archeology and Heritage) invited to participate in a series of webinars organized buy the Researcher Giusy Pappalardo, Università degli Studi di Catania, with academic accompaniment and mediation of Professor Manuelina Duarte, Muséologie – Université de Liège and Universidade Federal de Goiás. EcoHeritage […]
DROPS Newsletter
Is now available the last newsletter of the DROPS international platformform for ecomuseums and community museums. Access to the content via this link.
TPM2 – Second Transnational Project Meeting
The EcoHeritage’s Team had the Second Transnational Project Meeting! 💬✨ This 22nd and 23rd of July were two days of intense work to plan the launch of the Transnational Report 📊📝 and collaborative decisions for the Project’s next steps. Unfortunately it was not yet possible to do this edition in person, but we are still […]
11º Encontro dos Investigadores do CeiED
Our portuguese partners from Lusófona University and MINOM-ICOM Portugal, Marcelo Lages Murta, Mário Moutinho, Judite Primo, Maristela Simão and Nathália Pamio, participated in the 11º Encontro dos Investigadores do CeiED (Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development). This year the research meeting has as its central theme “From the citizen scientist to the citizen science: […]
XIX International Forum WORLD HERITAGE and DESIGN for HEALTH
This Thursday, 15.07.2021, at 09:30 CEST. Our partners Nunzia Borreli and Lisa Nadia Roberta Pigozzi from Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca will be presenting “The Ecoheritage Project: How Ecomusems can reinforce the relationship between culture and nature”. The XIX International Forum is organized by Benecon University Consortium, UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial […]
Global Heritage: Science, Management and Development
UK and Ireland Ecomuseums in PracticeGlobal Heritage: Science, Management and Development – Webinar Our partner from Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Nunzia Borreli, will participate in a webinar whose one of the main goals of the day is to look into ideas to establish an ecomuseum network to provide support for different organisations and to […]