XXIV Jornadas sobre a Função Social do Museu – Museus, Poder e Autonomia
It will take place in Peniche, Portugal, on the 3rd and 4th of June, the “XXIV Journeys about Museum Social Function – Museums, Power and
It will take place in Peniche, Portugal, on the 3rd and 4th of June, the “XXIV Journeys about Museum Social Function – Museums, Power and
CALL FOR PAPERS Organized by La Ponte Ecomuseum in a partnership with EcoHeritage, the “VIII Cultural Heritage Journey” is calling for presentations around the theme
Our team continues to work towards the collaborative construction of the European Ecomuseums Online Network – EEON 👥💭. Meanwhile, how about get in touch with
The EcoHeritage’s Team had the Third Transnational Project Meeting! Since yesterday the team is meeting to discuss a plan the launch of the European Ecomuseums
Today we complete 1 year since the EcoHeritage Kick-off meeting! ✨🥳🎊And we believe that the best way to celebrate is to THANK everyone who is
On December 1st, during the closing event of the celebrations for 50 years of ecomuseology in Italy organized by Rete Ecomusei Italiani, our Italian partner