EEON presented to the Echoes Delegation and LAG DELTA 2000 Project
On March 30th, the Department of Museology of ULusófona received and teams from museums involved in the LAG DELTA 2000 Project, within the scope of the Emilia-Romagna Region Rural Development Program 2014-2020, with the support of the European Network for Rural Development – ENRD.
The group made up of 40 people from the area of rural heritage, tourism and landscape, coming from Italy and Finland, Leader Gästrikebygden lokalt ledd utveckling, Leader Ravakka, Leader Pohjois-Satakunta, Gal Sarcidano Barbagia Di Seulo, GAL Valli Marecchia e Conca, and GAL L’Altra Romagna.
They had contact with the activities developed in the Department and the EcoHeritage Project, specialy with the EEON – European Ecomuseums Online Network.
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